Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Quantum Nonstationary Systems

This is the book of proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Quantum Nonstationary Systems (QNS), held at the International Center of Physics (ICP) of University of Brasilia from August 28 to September 1, 2023. The book contains 19 chapters. The 1st chapter is written by the editors and describes the history of the Workshops on Quantum Nonstationary Systems, with photos of the participants. The remaining 18 chapters comprise original works in several fields of Quantum Mechanics written by the invited speakers: V.V. Dodonov and A. Dodonov;  S.K. Suslov; J. Tito Mendonça; V.I. Yukalov and E.P. Yukalova; D. Valente; A. Vourdas; S.S. Mizrahi;  J.P. Gazeau; Olavo L.S.F.; T. Mihaescu and A. Isar; A. Marinho and A. Dodonov; S.N. Belolipetskiy, V.N. Chernega, V.I. Grebenkin and O.V. Man’ko; G. Wilson and B.M. Garraway; C.C. Holanda Ribeiro; M.A. Man’ko and V.I. Man’ko; E.P. Glasbrenner, Y. Gerdes, S. Varró and W.P. Schleich; G. de Oliveira and L.C. Céleri; B. Goren, K.K. Barley and S.K. Suslov.

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This is the book of proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Quantum Nonstationary Systems (QNS), held at the International Center of Physics (ICP) of University of Brasilia from August 28 to September 1, 2023. The book contains 19 chapters. The 1st chapter is written by the editors and describes the history of the Workshops on Quantum Nonstationary Systems, with photos of the participants. The remaining 18 chapters comprise original works in several fields of Quantum Mechanics written by the invited speakers: V.V. Dodonov and A. Dodonov;  S.K. Suslov; J. Tito Mendonça; V.I. Yukalov and E.P. Yukalova; D. Valente; A. Vourdas; S.S. Mizrahi;  J.P. Gazeau; Olavo L.S.F.; T. Mihaescu and A. Isar; A. Marinho and A. Dodonov; S.N. Belolipetskiy, V.N. Chernega, V.I. Grebenkin and O.V. Man’ko; G. Wilson and B.M. Garraway; C.C. Holanda Ribeiro; M.A. Man’ko and V.I. Man’ko; E.P. Glasbrenner, Y. Gerdes, S. Varró and W.P. Schleich; G. de Oliveira and L.C. Céleri; B. Goren, K.K. Barley and S.K. Suslov.
